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Shanghai Research Institute of Materials [0]

Metallic Materials; Polymer Composite materials;PM materials and Engineering ceramics; Energy Materials;etc

International Union of Materials Research Societies [0]

Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials [0]

IFAM [0]

Center for Innovative Sintered Products (CISP) [0]

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) [0]

Luoyang Bearing Research Institute [0]

high precision bearings, special bearings,special bearing testing instrument, electric spindles for bearing grinding and numerical control machine tools

General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals [0]

Research Institute of Synthetic Crystals [0]

researching, manufacturing and developing of synthetic crystals and their products

Yantai Branch of No. 52 Institute [0]

research and development of special ceramics, heavy metal materials, powder materials and functional materials

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